Thursday, January 7, 2010

Motivation Takes a Snow Day

The kids didn't have school today. So, I decided it was time to pamper my family by making some banana bread. The recipe makes two loaves and we practically devoured a whole loaf in just one sitting! Plus, supper is cooking away in the crock pot. Life is good.

I've been trying to get motivated to take care of more clutter in the house. I made a resolution to clear out the clutter this year so I feel it's important that I do a little something every day in order to meet that goal. However, I don't want to push myself to the point that I feel guilty about not working on it or try to avoid it entirely.

Trouble sticking with the project? Try one of the following:
*Break a huge project into smaller pieces
*Take frequent breaks
*Work on a different part of the project

So, do these things help you stick with a big project? Have you found something that works better for you? Please share your thoughts.

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